How many hours in a week do you spend on stock analysis?

Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow many hours in a week do you spend on stock analysis?
Anonymous Staff asked
1 Answers
Grant Staff answered

My time for analysis is not consistent. It’s off and on.

I might spend less than 30 minutes a day, but other times, when I’m looking to buy or to research a company that I haven’t analyzed before, then I could spend several hours on this one company.

After investing for awhile, you can establish a list of companies that are consistently strong and a good match for you. You only have to do minimal analysis on these companies when you’re ready to buy, because you’ve already done most of the hard work.

But for companies that you’ve never researched before, you should do a thorough investigation about the companies and the analysis.

One good way to do this is to use the BTMA Stock Analyzer to quickly find a good company at a bargain price, then go to the “Qualitative Analysis” section to figure out if that company is the best match for you to invest in.

Hope that info is helpful.

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